
IMS Engineering College has been Ranked 4th in Uttar Pradesh amongst all Engineering Colleges by CSR-GHRDC Engineering College Survey 2016.


Faculty Development Programme

Two days Faculty Development Programme (FDP) was organized by the Mechanical Engineering Department from 3rd June to 4th June 2016. Two professors from IIT Delhi were invited to deliver expert lectures. One of the expert Professor, Dr. P M Pandey was specialized in Manufacturing Engineering while the other Professor, Dr. P. M. V. Subbarao was specialized in Thermal Engineering. The topics covered in lectures and discussions included how to prepare the course, role of individual faculty member, how to deliver the lecture in the class and current trends in their field of specialization. The participants were put into groups representing their specialization of Manufacturing engineering and Thermal engineering and developed an action plan for capacity-building to improve the technical knowledge in their respective field.